Everything can be fun.

Engagio Design Thinking

Engagio Design Thinking

When I joined Engagio, the company was at a critical juncture, having spent a year building a CRM product that was not gaining traction in the market. Recognizing the need for a pivot, the CEO was eager to find a way to align everyone in this crucial transition.

Shortly after joining, I led a week-long design thinking session to help create the alignment required for a major product pivot. The executive team and various leaders and members from each branch of the company attended.



On the 4th day of the design sprint the CEO was so excited he wrote this on the whiteboard


  1. Led week week-long design sprint that resulted in company pivoting its product strategy

  2. Converted paper prototypes we made into an interactive Figma prototype

  3. Conducted 15 customer interviews to validate the new product vision

  4. Converted the massive vision into workable pieces and functional requirements

  5. Organized a private beta testing group of ~15 customers and a roll-out plan as we transitioned from Private Beta -> General Beta -> GA